Thursday 15 October 2009

HNT: Kitagawa'sThe Lovers and Blog Action Day

Ruf has had this picture blue tacked to the wall on the far side of the room for a long time. In the spirit of our new-found domesticity, he got it framed and moved it closer.

Unfortunately, the angle of the camera on timer makes it look crooked...

That morning, all naked and dishevelled, I took the opportunity to use the best possible way to thank my wonderful man for the seismic changes he has helped me to make in my life.

I have reflected many times on the day that I realised just how much he cared about me.

He said: 'I love you and I want you to be my wife.'

Still trapped in the swirling vortex of destructive emotions that consumed me until only a few weeks ago, I could only respond:

'But I'm not sure I want to get married again.'

And then I cried because I realised that I'd spoiled what should have been a magical moment. He said at the time that I hadn't and that it wasn't a proposal but when he wants to propose properly, I will know because it will be far more romantic...

He really is more of a rough diamond than a ruffian.

A link for those who cannot use the mouseover x


I just haven't had time to launch into a diatribe of how I love wind turbines and would love to batter our energy providers for selling our ability to keep warm to foreign companies who are more interested in shareholder remuneration than using the profits for the purposes of updating our outmoded systems which don't comply with European directives and so will see them having to close down power stations that provide 20-25% of our energy needs.

And breathe.

What I will say is that there was no heating on when the above photograph was taken and I am determined to try to get to the end of October without activating the boiler, other than for hot water.

As my gran would have said: "Put a jumper on."

But then I do have my love to keep me warm...


  1. You are one very lucky woman.

    Beautiful pic.

    Cate xxx

  2. I think he must know from where you speak. You - strong lady, have been the a lot and in time, may feel differently. You are stunningly beautiful, just live & love each day right now for what it brings.


  3. Oh My Friend,
    As Ruf said: "that it wasn't a proposal but when he wants to propose properly, I will know because it will be far more romantic... "
    I Believe that!
    Thank you for allowing us, to see this Love Story unfold!
    You are starting to see, what we have been seeing for sometime now!
    Also Thank You for sharing one of the Most Lovely HHNT's Ever!!!

  4. A work-of-art appreciating a work-of-art!

  5. Awesome concept - love the background pic in the pic. Very Cool.

    Very beautiful as well.

  6. beautiful pictures, BOTH of them!

  7. As always a beautiful picture on both counts! Very apt for such a wonderful love story!

  8. What a beautiful image. Both :)


  9. I think you two deserve each other...and I mean that in the most positive way possible!

  10. Good lord, would it be WILDLY inappropriate to say you have a spectacular, beautiful bottom?

  11. Lovely picture but brrrr... I'm cold for ya! Hate the cold.

  12. He obviously continues to cherish the beautiful gift you continue to give him. You are both blessed.

  13. Thats really beautiful what he said to you, he loves you so much. And he's been with you whilst you've been through your vortex of destructive emotions so he knows, but he also wants you to know how much he cares. And you can start building on that.......and one day he may ask you again.... and you may give a different response...
