Tuesday 13 October 2009

Sugasm #175

I feel very honoured to be a pick on the last Sugasm before it goes on hiatus.

However, I do think it is time for a rethink. I submit something every week but, so often recently, I have had to wade through 30-40 posts of mind-numbing sameyness and some weeks I just lost the will to vote altogether. It was almost as if we've exhausted our ability as writers to describe the sexual act in a different way. And it's not just that the quality of the writing has decreased but that the whole idea of the Sugasm seems to have been lost.

The job of Sugasm Editor is not an enviable one. It involves an awful lot of hard work, collating the different entries and then the votes and ensuring that everyone has followed the rules.

A few months ago, I helped Radical Vixen by checking to ensure that all those who had submitted entries, had also posted the listing the following week. This process involved me having to check out over 30 different websites and by the end of the week, quite a few had not posted the winners listing. It was time-consuming, repetitive work and I have nothing but admiration for her for having kept this up and stayed sane for 175 weeks.

It's not just that, but the voting process itself became flawed when so few of the participants actually took the time to register their preference. It almost became the case that you could rob yourself of a pick by registering a vote for someone else because there were so few votes being cast.

With this in mind, if Sugasm is to return - and I'd like to think that it should because it does seem to be a focus to point readers in the direction of good writing that week - perhaps the rules needed to be addressed and changed slightly.

Instead of only the participants voting, perhaps the entire list should be submitted to the blogging world and the opportunity given to other readers to register their preference...? Or, if this is too cumbersome, then it should be the case that if you don't vote regularly, you will not be allowed to submit...?

Any other suggestions?

Or perhaps you think that Sugasm has had its day...?

The best of this week’s blogs by the bloggers who blog them. Highlighting the top 3 posts as chosen by Sugasm participants. Participants, repost the link list within a week and you’re all set.

Please note: After this issue the Sugasm will be going on indefinite hiatus. Please do not submit posts via the form until further notice. If you need to contact me email radicalvixenatgmaildotcom

This Week’s Picks
Pitiful“Sometimes I miss you so much that I am pitiful.”

MFM: Frustration“I feel the weight of someone kneeling between my legs.”

Give me one
“Give me your orgasm.”

Sugasm Editor
Fetish Fridays: Kidnapping

Editor’s Choice
In Which Steff Has The Worst Birthday Ever

More Sugasm
Join the Sugasm


  1. Many congratulations on being the top of the poll. It was very richly deserved. I, too, have found it very difficult to find the time to wade through all the submissions of late, much though I would have liked to. This week, however, there was really only one post that stood out from the rest and made me sit up and say "THAT'S the one!" I'm glad that so many others agreed with me.

  2. Congrats baby.

    And yes you are spot on as usual. The quality of the writing and the flood of empty posts are a bit disheartening (and there are still some awesome writers among us...you to name one!!


  3. Your post was simply beautiful and I'm very glad you came top :)

  4. I think sugasm should be reinvented as as a flavoured sexual lubricant. Tha name is perfect.
