Sunday 10 January 2010

The End of Time

I walked home in the snow today and I have to admit that I cried for some of the journey.

It was a week later than the rest of you, but I finally sat down to watch Part 2 of the final adventure of the Tenth Doctor, originally shown here on New Year's Day.

David Tennant has revitalised the role that was originally given new life by Russell T. Davies and Christopher Eccleston and I am really sad to see this talented actor move on.

The story itself was carefully formulated, with moments of comedy and tragedy skilfully woven together to have its entire audience weeping unashamedly at one moment and then on the edge of our seats the next.  The supporting cast worked their socks off, with the mesmerising John Simm as The Master and Bernard Cribbens, his normal solidly lovable self.

I honestly thought that the Doctor had cheated death, even though I knew that his replacement had already been chosen, and those final scenes were magnificently acted.

I can remember the first time that I saw the Doctor regenerate - from Patrick Troughton into Jon Pertwee. It was very upsetting for a youngster to be deprived of a character that was so central to the programme, but I soon got used to the new model.

However, David Tennant's tenure in the role has made such an impact. He made the character his own in a way that has been missing for so many years, aided by the award-winning stories provided by Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffatt and a series of interesting companions, culminating in Catherine Tate's marvellously irritating Donna.

The episode was a fittingly superlative showcase for his acting talents.

The new incarnation, Matt Smith, has a huge set of converse boots to fill.

Doctor Who: The End of Time, Parts 1 and 2


  1. marvelously irritating indeed!

  2. I have avoided watching it so far.

    In my mind David Tennant will remain Dr Who if I don't watch it.

    Btw Jon Pertwee was my first Dr and has been the best in my mind but David has also been a credit to the part in his own way. Another favourite of mine was Peter Davidson

  3. I would probably go as far as saying he has been the best Doctor for me, he did make the role his own and not really sure how Matt Smith can follow was also the last one of Russell T Davies too so that makes it even more interesting!..xx

  4. hoodie - I hated her at first. All that screaming and shouting as the bride. She was just another one of her comedy caricatures. But then she came into her own, especially in the Doctor/Donna episodes.

    LiR - Ah, I did wonder about that strategy. But there was so much hype, so many trailers to try to avoid, that it became impossible.

    I have to admit that, once Tom Baker took over, I rather lost the plot.

    Rach - Im not too worried with the series in the hands of Steven Moffat. I wrote about him in my piece on Coupling, which was brilliantly observed comedy but he also wrote the episodes of Dr Who which are the most creepy - the one with 'Are you my Mummy?', the statues that could turn you to stone.

    It will be interesting to see how the new Doctor's adventures pan out under his leadership.

  5. Do you remember much about Patrick Troughton's doctor, Joanna? Didn't he play the recorder?

  6. If Your Ever In Bradford You Must Go See The Bradord Photographic Museum's TV HEAVEN loads of old reruns of various Doctors.

  7. I'm going to miss Tennant woefully. I found the ending of the last episode almost brutal emotionally because it was such a well-honed metaphor. Thanks for writing this. It was a fine piece.

  8. Just started watching the season.
