Monday 11 January 2010

Mute Monday: Blue



  1. Dr. McCoy: "He's dead, Jim."

    Science officers always wear blue. And only the red uniforms die.

    Happy MM!

  2. Hey Buzz! I love your blueprints but I still cant comment over there :(

  3. Cool stuff. But McCoy's spiffy blue uniform has whiskey stains on it.

    Happy Mute Monday!

  4. I was always partial to the blue uniforms.


    Happy MM!

    (if you have trouble with commenting at Buzz's, click your request twice, that's what I have to do.)

  5. Didn't Uhura always wear red, though? She was sassy. Happy Mute Monday!

  6. Thanks, Boxer!

    Uhura did always wear red but she very rarely left the ship. You didnt always die if you left the ship wearing a red uniform tho, some did survive :)

  7. Good afternoon Joanna,

    Wow, Blue Peter sure has been around a long time it not only predates Star Trek, it predates me.

    Happy Mute Monday!

  8. Haha, Blue Boy and Big John! What did you think of Big John Cannon and his big deep voice, Joanna?

  9. Ha! BuzzK "red uniforms die" a RIOT.

    love yore faithful Trekkie take on MM!

  10. Karl, my era was Valerie Singleton, John Noakes and Peter Purves :)

    MrB - I always had a soft spot for Manolito actually!

    Aunty B - I do my best but Troll's themes are not always Star Trek friendly :P

    Boxer/Buzz, What exactly is it that you're pressing twice? I cant get it to do anything, my comment just sits there unpublished :(

  11. Happy Mute Monday Ms. Cake. ;-)

    So, do the uniform colors mean anything? It's a question I've often asked myself. No, really.

  12. I totally remember the guy named Blue from the western, but can't remember the name of the western! Happy MM! Enjoyed the song too.

  13. Ree, as I recall blue indicated scientific and red was security/engineering/communications. I dont recall seeing anyone other than JTK wearing yellow... but I could be wrong.

    Pam - It was a series called The High Chaparral, featuring Big John Cannon, his wife, Victoria, his brother, Buck and his son by his first marriage, Blue, as well as Victoria's brother, Manolito.

    Vixen - Thank you :)
