Thursday 7 August 2008

HNT - Handjob

This is one of my favourite parts of Ruf's body, with the emphasis on his fingers, naturally.

I seem to recall I wrote here and here about what I like him to do with those.

He was complaining bitterly, after a previous visit, about his 'fucking fingers' having been over used and causing him all sorts of grief with his attempts to hit things. Naturally, I just smiled sweetly and said nothing.

But his efforts last Sunday as a result of his research into tantric genital massage were truly spectacular.



  1. What to say, except Happy HNT?

    Oh, there is something special with hands!

  2. I bet you want to BRONZE his hands after last Sunday!

  3. Lovely!

    My boyfriend's hands are one of his best attributes. I love how large they are but how nice they look. How capable they are and how they can be soft when need be. I just love hands.

    Happy HNT!

  4. Those hands bring on nice thoughts.


  5. Hands on a guy are VERY SEXY... I love Yummy's hands... especially a guy who works with his hands. ~grin~

    Happy HNT!

  6. Ooooh that must have been an incredible time!!!!! :) I can definitely understand the love of his fingers and hands ;) Happy HNT!!!!!!

  7. Nothing like a well-educated hand, eh Cake ? :)

  8. I must confess that the hands have it for me too! I love a pair of long-fingered, well manicured hands, and if they can bring me pleasure just how I like it, so much the better! :D

    Hope you and Ruf enjoyed your HNT moments!!

  9. Better watch out--he might get carpal tunnel syndrome!

  10. fingers .. oh, wonderful sweet fingers.

    Happy HNT

  11. I've never really understood the female thing about hands (except in the literal, physical, hands-on sense of course!) but I'm pleased it exists!

    And I have absolutely no doubts left, if ever I had any, that Ruf's hands do the trick!

    Happy HNT - to both of you :)

  12. hehe
    the hand thing I don't guess I'll ever get!

  13. His fingers look surprisingly dry to me. He doesn't have to towel himself for our benefit.

  14. I was just debating recently with some woman who didn't believe that many women find hands to be one of the sexiest parts of a man. Silly girl. Thank you for this!

  15. A man's hands must NEVER ever be underestimated. YUM. Seriously yum. I love a man's fingers- um, I mean, his hands ; ) *giggle*

    A fave of mine too ... HANDS are *very* very (VERY) important - oh YES they are. Mmmm hmmm

    HAPPY "handsome hands he has" HNT 2 U ; )

  16. That conjures some very lovely thoughts! I think I must agree - hands are wonderful and deserve more appreciation. Now I just need to go find my picture with a certain hand in it...

    A belated HHNT!

    Cate xxx

  17. I've always thought Max Bygraves knew what he was talking about ...

  18. Lovely big palm on that hand... perfect for pressing against you as his fingers explore.
