Thursday 3 July 2008

HNT - Peach

I've been thinking about you.

When you get here, I have brandy waiting but you insist on putting stuff away.

Still, I can admire your cute, pert bottom. So inviting that I have to manhandle it as you bend down.

Rubbing its roundness and pressing between your buttocks so some pressure is on your cunt, where I linger, getting in your way as you try to complete the jobs in hand.

Until, in frustration, I stand over you and tell you to shut up and listen.

'I'm going to strip off your skirt and top, stroking you all over as I do. Moving from your neck down to your tits, pushing the straps down your shoulders and releasing those lush nipples from the restraints of the basque. Trailing across your laced-up belly and over your back. Around the soft, peachy cheeks of your exposed bum, down your stockinged legs and back up to your cunt.

'Then I'm going to stroke you through the fabric of your thong, on the very tips of your cunt lips, from top to bottom, just once so you savour it!'

I love to hear you moan and gasp as my fingers complete their exploration of your most intimate parts, reacquainting themselves with the silken folds until I have you half-naked and trembling beneath my touch.

Five weeks is far too long and it won't be long before I shall rip off that lacy encumbrance and pull you down onto me...



Gorilla Bananas said...

Could you do the washing-up while he was ravishing you? That would be a great feat of concentration. I think you should give it a go.

justme said...

Five weeks is definately too long!!!
Nice pic.

Johanne said...

Gorgeous pic!!

Anonymous said...

I think every time I eat a peach now I'm going to think of butt. Thanks. :P


Bittersweet said...

i have an urge for fruit salad :D

happy HNT

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Peach is've got the most amazing arse!
5 weeks, ugh! BG x

Joanna Cake said...

Mr Bananas! To wash up in that outfit would be a travesty!

Justme/BG - It was five weeks last time. This time it will be just under 4.

Searabbit - Thank you

Fairyflutters/Me - LOL

PS I hope you're all noticing that Ive learned how to click thru... :)

Dangerous Lilly said...

What a hot piece of ass ;)


Tom Allen said...

Why do I have a sudden craving for a few scoops of ice cream?

Baby said...

That entire post was extremely sexy - great photo!!!! Happy HNT!!!!!! :)

h said...

Yowza. Nice pic and story!

Midnight said...

Mmmm that peach looks ripe enough to nibble right now! I have a big appetite all of a sudden.

Anonymous said...

very sexy
a peach for sure!

Jason said...

hot damn!


Osbasso said...

No bottlerockets should every come near that!

Greg and Sheryl said...

We envy your incredibly passionate writing. We wish we could provide that kind of prose for our blog. Happy HNT!

Vixen said...

Oh, now that is insanely sexy.....


Riff Dog said...

Love the picture! Love the story! Can I have you? At least borrow you?

Daren said...

Nice images!


Joanna Cake said...

Lilly/Baby/Troll - Thank you x

Tom - you want me covered in goosebumps?

Middy - Is that drool?

Sage/Jason - Ta muchly

Osbasso - Phew! :) I still cant believe those clips on your post.

Greg & Sheryl - Aw, that is such a nice thing to say x

Vixen - I believe it did drive him rather mad :)

Riff - I'll ask Ruf what he thinks... :)

Joanna Cake said...

Dazza - You just snuck in. Thank you x

Trixie said...

And what a great arse that is!!!!

Easily Aroused said...

A delicious peach of an arse indeed. All it's missing are lashings of rich cream...


Lapis Ruber said...

Just like a peach - it begs to be touched, opened and eaten :-)
Happy HNT

Kyra said...

Totally sexy, all of it.

Madame X said...

What a very sexy pic. Happy HNT.

Jericho said...

what an incredible...

Tom Allen said...

Tom - you want me covered in goosebumps?

No, just covered in French Vanilla...

Helga Hansen said...

Now... was Ruf dictating those words to you, making you bend over the keyboard so he could allow his eyes to gaze at the ripe peachiness of your delectable arse? The click-through was lovely, by the way! HHNT!

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful. If I knew I was going to get close to that bottom within 5 weeks I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything else at all.

Joanna Cake said...

Trixie/Lapis/Kyra/Madame X/Jericho - Thank you x

~EA - But Ruf is a vegan! ;P

Tom - See above^^^

Helga - It was an extract from a text he sent me prior to the visit...

Not2shy - LOL. I shall be dealing with how we cope with the absences in future posts :)

Pepper said...

Fantastic pics...I think it was Nicholas Cage's character in "Face/Off" who said: "I could eat a peach for hours" true!


d2b said...

Mmmmm... I like peaches ;)

Happy belated HNT!

Anonymous said...

I agree I will never be able to think about peachs again without imaginig that perfect ass!!

I am hungry now.... im not sure if its for peachs or ass... but i think its the latter... sigh!!

Mike said...

Beautiful picture.


JW said...

What a delightful HNT - both the pictures and Ruf's words. Five weeks, eh?

But where was the peach? I looked in vain for the fruitbowl to no avail. If you don't have a peach, I'll settle for a pear (pair?) ;^)

Oh, and congratulations on mastering the click-through!

Anonymous said...

How's that bottom, 36 stuck their forks in, gosh that pose is enough to stir all sorts of good feelings down below ;) xox Rups

Easily Aroused said...

"But Ruf is a vegan! ;P"

Hmmm. I had something more "full fat" in mind for you...