Thursday 21 August 2008

HNT: Olympic

Is it just me, or does the Olympic Stadium in Beijing look like...?

With thanks to d2b and Osbasso himself for working so hard to try to sort out the coding to get the mouseover onto the clickthru photo of my London Eye rather than the main pic of the Stadium. If anyone does have a code that will make this work, I'd love to hear from them. Apparently, it's something to do with my Javascript, which is a step beyond for me :)



Anonymous said...

Pretty eyes and eyes if the other one is similar!


Constance said...

Shaved pussy, oh my yes :)

Walker said...

Yeah it looks like a ummm Some Bird's nest

Osbasso said...

Oh, that worked out pretty well! And yes, that was the first thought I had as well!

Pepper said...

Haha...I've never seen the stadium from that view. Very funny.


Vixen said...

Cute idea for HNT. And um....good lord does it EVER look like *that*. LOLOL


Anonymous said...

Those crazy folks in Beijing, what will they think of next!

MarcelloNYC said...


Coy Pink said...

So clever you are! Great idea for this theme. Cheers and HHNT.

Anonymous said...

"That looks like an eye" I said to myself as soon as I saw it, honest! ;)

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Goodness me-totally! BG x

justme said...

LOL! I would say 'its just you' but actually, it clearly isn't!
Nice one.

d2b said...

Exellent - really funny HNT... Strange script... uhhhhm...

Happy HNT!

Ashly Star said...

It's not just you, lol. Happy HNT

B said...

very good, very very good... and the thought HAD crossed my mind, yes. Well SOMEONE had to do it.

Ms. Lily said...

lol, OMG, that was great!!
~Happy HNT~

Gorilla Bananas said...

My God, it's in oestrus! I fear an earthquake may be imminent!

Helga Hansen said...

Wow!! A click-through in a click-through!! Now *that* was impressive, and worthy of a gold medal!! HHNT!

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

What? I thought it looked like a mouth, or a pair of lips... *shrug*


Mr. Nighttime said...

Hmm....So does the roar of the crowd from there equate to, well, you know... ;-)

Mojo said...

It's not just you.
Gorgeous eyes luv,

Anonymous said...

Well, obviously, it looks just like a giant... um... eye. Yes, that's it. An eye.