Monday 25 August 2008

Mute Monday: School/Education



Anonymous said...

good pics!

Constance said...

I adored Goodbye Mr Chips when they made it into a movie :)

Osbasso said...

Ooh! Good Star Trek choice!

BenefitScroungingScum said...

OMG, Mallory Towers and The Chalet School books, happy days!

Karen said...

Enid Blyton books were my absolute favourite as a child and who couldn't help but love the gals from St Trinians.

Happy Mute Monday Cake.

Anonymous said...

Love that you got Star Fleet in there! And Alice has been the summer announcer for over 30 year...I remember when it first hit...and every generation since has adopted it. Awesome take on the theme!

h said...

"We ain't got no principals, we can't even think up a word that rhymes!" Always liked that line.

Great take. Happy Mute Monday!

Gnomeself Be True said...

I know how the girl with the report card feels every time I pick up my paycheck.
Happy MM.

Jenny said...

Having spent a year at an English School for girls, this brought back some memories. But where's Captain Kirk? :-)

Happy MM!

Jenny said...

ahahaha - I just found it!!!!! Excellent. You snuck that in.

Can Bass 1 said...

I see you have omitted Trouble at Willow Gables by the late Philip Larkin. Tsk.

Bear said...

Ah Alice Cooper... I remember it well. The paper panties hung over my bedpost for many years.

Great MM.

moi said...

I love how you always get Star Trek in. Very cool. So is Alice Cooper. Happy Mute Monday!

Vixen said...

Very creative!


Anonymous said...

This is school themed... are you trying to tell us something?!!

Anonymous said...

Hehe i like the sex education one. Cute. Reminds me of girls at my high school... oh the memories!